Config reference


volta_options (dict)

- (no description).


appium_cmd (string)

- (no description). Default: appium

port (string)

- (no description). Default: 4723

user (string)

- (no description). Default: ""


autostop (list of string)

- list of autostop constraints. Default: []

[list_element] (string):

- autostop constraint.


stop when rate of 4xx http codes is 50% or more during 5 seconds

[quantile(50,100,20), http(4xx,50%,5)]

stop when either quantile 50% or 4xx http codes exceeds specified levels

report_file (string)

- path to file to store autostop report. Default: autostop_report.txt


device_id (string)

- (no description). Default: None



address (string)

- Address of target. Format: [host]:port, [ipv4]:port, [ipv6]:port. Port is optional. Tank checks each test if port is available.


ammo_limit (integer)

- Upper limit for the total number of requests. Default: -1

ammo_type (string)

- Ammo format. Default: caseline

ammofile (string)

- Path to ammo file. Default: ""


autocases (integer or string)

- Use to automatically tag requests. Requests might be grouped by tag for later analysis. Default: 0

one of:
<N>:use N first uri parts to tag request, slashes are replaced with underscores
uniq:tag each request with unique uid
uri:tag each request with its uri path, slashes are replaced with underscores

/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> _example_search


/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> _example_search_hello


/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> c98b0520bb6a451c8bc924ed1fd72553


/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> _example_search_hello_help_us

cache_dir (string)

- stpd-file cache directory. If not specified, defaults to base artifacts directory. Default: None


cached_stpd (boolean)

- Use cached stpd file. Default: False

chosen_cases (string)

- Use only selected cases. Default: ""

enum_ammo (boolean)

- (no description). Default: False

file_cache (integer)

- (no description). Default: 8192

force_stepping (integer)

- Ignore cached stpd files, force stepping. Default: 0

green_threads_per_instance (integer)

- Number of green threads every worker process will execute. For “green” worker type only. Default: 1000


gun_config (dict)

- Options for your load scripts.

base_address (string):
 - base target address.
class_name (string):
 - class that contains load scripts. Default: LoadTest
init_param (string):
 - parameter that’s passed to “setup” method. Default: ""
module_name (string):
 - name of module that contains load scripts.
module_path (string):
 - directory of python module that contains load scripts. Default: ""

gun_type (string)

- Type of gun BFG should use. Required.

one of:[custom, http, scenario, ultimate]

header_http (string)

- HTTP version. Default: 1.0

one of:
1.0:http 1.0
1.1:http 1.1

headers (list of string)

- HTTP headers. Default: []

[list_element] (string):

- Format: “Header: Value”.

examples:accept: text/html

instances (integer)

- number of processes (simultaneously working clients). Default: 1000

load_profile (dict)

- Configure your load setting the number of RPS or instances (clients) as a function of time, or using a prearranged schedule. Required.

load_type (string):

- Choose control parameter. Required.

one of:
instances:control the number of instances
rps:control the rps rate
stpd_file:use prearranged schedule file
schedule (string):

- load schedule or path to stpd file. Required.


constant load of 200 instances/rps during 90s


linear growth from 100 to 200 instances/rps during 10 minutes


path to ready schedule file


loop (integer)

- Loop over ammo file for the given amount of times. Default: -1

pip (string)

- pip modules to install before the test. Use multiline to install multiple modules. Default: ""

uris (list of string)

- URI list. Default: []

[list_element] (string):

- URI path string.

examples:["/example/search", "/example/search/hello", "/example/search/hello/help"]

use_caching (boolean)

- Enable stpd-file caching. Default: True

worker_type (string)

- (no description). Default: ""



cases_max_spark (integer)

- length of sparkline for each case, 0 to disable. Default: 120

cases_sort_by (string)

- field for cases data sort. Default: count

one of:[count, net_err, http_err]

disable_all_colors (boolean)

- disable colors in full output. Default: False

disable_colors (string)

- (no description). Default: ""

info_panel_width (integer)

- width of right panel. Default: 33

max_case_len (integer)

- max lenght of case name, longer names will be cut in console output. Default: 32

short_only (boolean)

- do not draw full console screen, write short info for each second. Default: False

sizes_max_spark (integer)

- max length of sparkline for request/response sizes, 0 to disable. Default: 120

times_max_spark (integer)

- max length of sparkline for fractions of request time, 0 to disable. Default: 120


api_address (string)

- api base address. Default:

api_attempts (integer)

- number of retries in case of api fault. Default: 60

api_timeout (integer)

- delay between retries in case of api fault. Default: 10

chunk_size (integer)

- max amount of data to be sent in single requests. Default: 500000

component (string)

- component of your software. Default: ""

connection_timeout (integer)

- tcp connection timeout. Default: 30

ignore_target_lock (boolean)

- start test even if target is locked. Default: False

job_dsc (string)

- job description. Default: ""

job_name (string)

- job name. Default: none

jobno_file (string)

- file to save job number to. Default: jobno_file.txt

jobno (string)

- number of an existing job. Use to upload data to an existing job. Requres upload token.


lock_targets (list or string)

- targets to lock. Default: auto

one of:
auto:automatically identify target host
 list of targets to lock

log_data_requests (boolean)

- log POSTs of test data for debugging. Tank should be launched in debug mode (–debug). Default: False

log_monitoring_requests (boolean)

- log POSTs of monitoring data for debugging. Tank should be launched in debug mode (–debug). Default: False

log_other_requests (boolean)

- log other api requests for debugging. Tank should be launched in debug mode (–debug). Default: False

log_status_requests (boolean)

- log status api requests for debugging. Tank should be launched in debug mode (–debug). Default: False

maintenance_attempts (integer)

- number of retries in case of api maintanance downtime. Default: 10

maintenance_timeout (integer)

- delay between retries in case of api maintanance downtime. Default: 60

meta (dict)

- additional meta information.

network_attempts (integer)

- number of retries in case of network fault. Default: 60

network_timeout (integer)

- delay between retries in case of network fault. Default: 10

notify (list of string)

- users to notify. Default: []

operator (string)

- user who started the test. Default: None


regress (boolean)

- mark test as regression. Default: False

send_status_period (integer)

- delay between status notifications. Default: 10

strict_lock (boolean)

- set true to abort the test if the the target’s lock check is failed. Default: False

target_lock_duration (string)

- how long should the target be locked. In most cases this should be long enough for the test to run. Target will be unlocked automatically right after the test is finished. Default: 30m

task (string)

- task title. Default: ""

threads_timeout (integer)

- (no description). Default: 60

token_file (string)

- API token.

upload_token (string)

- Job’s token. Use to upload data to an existing job. Requres jobno. Default: None


ver (string)

- version of the software tested. Default: ""

writer_endpoint (string)

- writer api endpoint. Default: ""


address (string)

- (no description). Default: localhost

chunk_size (integer)

- (no description). Default: 500000

database (string)

- (no description). Default: mydb

grafana_dashboard (string)

- (no description). Default: tank-dashboard

grafana_root (string)

- (no description). Default: http://localhost/

password (string)

- (no description). Default: root

port (integer)

- (no description). Default: 8086

tank_tag (string)

- (no description). Default: unknown

username (string)

- (no description). Default: root


args (string)

- additional commandline arguments for JMeter. Default: ""

buffer_size (integer)

- jmeter buffer size. Default: None


buffered_seconds (integer)

- Aggregator delay - to be sure that everything were read from jmeter results file. Default: 3

exclude_markers (list of string)

- (no description). Default: []

[list_element] (string):

- (no description).


ext_log (string)

- additional log, jmeter xml format. Saved in test dir as jmeter_ext_XXXX.jtl. Default: none

one of:[none, errors, all]

extended_log (string)

- additional log, jmeter xml format. Saved in test dir as jmeter_ext_XXXX.jtl. Default: none

one of:[none, errors, all]

jmeter_path (string)

- Path to JMeter. Default: jmeter

jmeter_ver (float)

- Which JMeter version tank should expect. Affects the way connection time is logged. Default: 3.0

jmx (string)

- Testplan for execution.

shutdown_timeout (integer)

- timeout for automatic test shutdown. Default: 10

variables (dict)

- variables for jmx testplan. Default: {}


monitoring_log (string)

- file name for monitoring log. Default: monitoring.log

test_data_log (string)

- file name for test data log. Default: test_data.log


buffered_seconds (integer)

- (no description). Default: 2

config_content (dict)

- (no description). Default: {}

config_file (string)

- (no description). Default: ""

expvar (boolean)

- (no description). Default: True

pandora_cmd (string)

- (no description). Default: pandora


additional_libs (list of string)

- Libs for Phantom, to be added to phantom config file in section “module_setup”. Default: []

address (string)

- Address of target. Format: [host]:port, [ipv4]:port, [ipv6]:port. Port is optional. Tank checks each test if port is available. Required.


affinity (string)

- Use to set CPU affinity. Default: ""


enable 6 specified cores


enable first 4 cores

ammo_limit (integer)

- Sets the upper limit for the total number of requests. Default: -1

ammo_type (string)

- Ammo format. Don’t forget to change ammo_type option if you switch the format of your ammo, otherwise you might get errors. Default: phantom


one of:
access:Use access.log from your web server as a source of requests
phantom:Use Request-style file. Most versatile, HTTP as is. See tutorial for details
uri:Use URIs listed in file with headers. Simple but allows for GET requests only. See tutorial for details
uripost:Use URI-POST file. Allows POST requests with bodies. See tutorial for details

ammofile (string)

- Path to ammo file. Ammo file contains requests to be sent to a server. Can be gzipped. Default: ""


autocases (integer or string)

- Use to automatically tag requests. Requests might be grouped by tag for later analysis. Default: 0

one of:
<N>:use N first uri parts to tag request, slashes are replaced with underscores
uniq:tag each request with unique uid
uri:tag each request with its uri path, slashes are replaced with underscores

/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> _example_search


/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> _example_search_hello


/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> c98b0520bb6a451c8bc924ed1fd72553


/example/search/hello/help/us?param1=50 -> _example_search_hello_help_us

buffered_seconds (integer)

- Aggregator latency. Default: 2

cache_dir (string)

- stpd-file cache directory. Default: None


chosen_cases (string)

- Use only selected cases. Default: ""

client_certificate (string)

- Path to client SSL certificate. Default: ""

client_cipher_suites (string)

- Cipher list, consists of one or more cipher strings separated by colons (see man ciphers). Default: ""

client_key (string)

- Path to client’s certificate’s private key. Default: ""

config (string)

- Use ready phantom config instead of generated. Default: ""

connection_test (boolean)

- Test TCP socket connection before starting the test. Default: True

enum_ammo (boolean)

- (no description). Default: False

file_cache (integer)

- (no description). Default: 8192

force_stepping (integer)

- Ignore cached stpd files, force stepping. Default: 0

gatling_ip (string)

- (no description). Default: ""

header_http (string)

- HTTP version. Default: 1.0

one of:
1.0:http 1.0
1.1:http 1.1

headers (list of string)

- HTTP headers. Default: []

[list_element] (string):

- Format: “Header: Value”.

examples:accept: text/html

instances (integer)

- Max number of concurrent clients. Default: 1000

load_profile (dict)

- Configure your load setting the number of RPS or instances (clients) as a function of time,or using a prearranged schedule. Required.

load_type (string):

- Choose control parameter. Required.

one of:
instances:control the number of instances
rps:control the rps rate
stpd_file:use prearranged schedule file
schedule (string):

- load schedule or path to stpd file. Required.


constant load of 200 instances/rps during 90s


linear growth from 100 to 200 instances/rps during 10 minutes


path to ready schedule file


loop (integer)

- Loop over ammo file for the given amount of times. Default: -1

method_options (string)

- Additional options for method objects. It is used for Elliptics etc. Default: ""

method_prefix (string)

- Object’s type, that has a functionality to create test requests. Default: method_stream

phantom_http_entity (string)

- Limits the amount of bytes Phantom reads from response. Default: 8M

phantom_http_field_num (integer)

- Max number of headers. Default: 128

phantom_http_field (string)

- Header size. Default: 8K

phantom_http_line (string)

- First line length. Default: 1K

phantom_modules_path (string)

- Phantom modules path. Default: /usr/lib/phantom

phantom_path (string)

- Path to Phantom binary. Default: phantom

phout_file (string)

- deprecated. Default: ""

port (string)

- Explicit target port, overwrites port defined with address. Default: ""


source_log_prefix (string)

- Prefix added to class name that reads source data. Default: ""

ssl (boolean)

- Enable ssl. Default: False

tank_type (string)

- Choose between http and pure tcp guns. Default: http

one of:
http:HTTP gun
none:TCP gun

threads (integer)

- Phantom thread count. When not specified, defaults to <processor cores count> / 2 + 1. Default: None


timeout (string)

- Response timeout. Default: 11s

uris (list of string)

- URI list. Default: []

[list_element] (string):
 - URI path string.
examples:["/example/search", "/example/search/hello", "/example/search/hello/help"]

use_caching (boolean)

- Enable stpd-file caching. Default: True

writelog (string)

- Enable verbose request/response logging. Default: 0

one of:
all:all messages
proto_error:5xx+network errors
proto_warning:4xx+5xx+network errors


fail_code (integer)

- (no description). Default: 10

pass (string)

- (no description). Default: ""


disk_limit (integer)

- (no description). Default: 2048

interval (string)

- (no description). Default: 10s

mem_limit (integer)

- (no description). Default: 512


catch_out (boolean)

- show commands stdout. Default: False

end (string)

- shell command to execute after test end. Default: ""

poll (string)

- shell command to execute every second while test is running. Default: ""

post_process (string)

- shell command to execute on post process stage. Default: ""

prepare (string)

- shell command to execute on prepare stage. Default: ""

start (string)

- shell command to execute on start. Default: ""


cmd (string)

- command that produces test results and stats in Phantom format. Required.

output_path (string)

- path to test results. Required.

stats_path (string)

- path to tests stats. Default: ""


config_contents (string)

- used to repeat tests from Overload, not for manual editing.

config (string)

- Path to monitoring config file. Default: auto

one of:
 path to telegraf configuration file
auto:collect default metrics from default_target host
none:disable monitoring

default_target (string)

- host to collect default metrics from (if “config: auto” specified). Default: localhost

disguise_hostnames (boolean)

- Disguise real host names - use this if you upload results to Overload and dont want others to see your hostnames. Default: True

kill_old (boolean)

- kill old hanging agents on target(s). Default: False

ssh_timeout (string)

- timeout of ssh connection to target(s). Default: 5s


10 seconds


2 minutes